In the era of 21st century ,it grieves so much to see what man has made for man.They have guided missiles but misguided man.This world is full of suffering and Desire is the cause of suffering.
People risk their life , drive themselves to the conflict either to protect or glorifiy the spirit against their rival.It is to be noticed that no such countries are untouched with the issue of Health Care during Armed Conflict.Each nation undergoes with certain kind of Armed conflict and required lots of medication.This is always the problem with every single nation.This occurs due to improper health care system in the troops and lack of proper facilities.
This sometimes become major concern because there is always conflict between the international Law and Municipal Law.Each countries has separate municipal laws which always prevails in conflict with the International Law.Health care during the conflict is also a major concern which is governed under Municipal Laws except those in collaboration with the various international organization. The work of such organization for health care system is always appreciable.The major problem is that lack of proper medical professional during the time of conflict and since,all people are engaged in the war, there is always dearth of medical facilities.The lack of proper medicinal camp absence of proper treatment and medical professional create the havoc to the situation of the troops.