Ram Vilas Paswan, Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution has asked the street food vendors to evolve self regulatory code and a set of guidelines for safe and hygienic food to win confidence of common man. He has said the Government can extend its help in this venture.
Taking a round of National Street Food Festival at Nehru Stadium in Delhi today, the Minister said that Indian street food is popular all over the world for its range of flavors. There is need to create awareness about hygiene and best practices among food vendors. He said Department of consumer Affairs in collaboration with industry is already working on it through “Surkhit Khadya Abhiyan” .
Shri Ram Vilas Paswan appreciated the concept of the street food festival for showcasing diversity of the India’s street food at one place. Organized by National Association of Street Vendors of India (Nasvi), the three-day festival, from December 11 to December 13, 2015, has more 800 hundred food stalls from 26 states.
Taking a round of National Street Food Festival at Nehru Stadium in Delhi today, the Minister said that Indian street food is popular all over the world for its range of flavors. There is need to create awareness about hygiene and best practices among food vendors. He said Department of consumer Affairs in collaboration with industry is already working on it through “Surkhit Khadya Abhiyan” .
Shri Ram Vilas Paswan appreciated the concept of the street food festival for showcasing diversity of the India’s street food at one place. Organized by National Association of Street Vendors of India (Nasvi), the three-day festival, from December 11 to December 13, 2015, has more 800 hundred food stalls from 26 states.